Here is the answer and some hints for the Wordle 258 word for today, released on March 4th 2022.
Wordle is a viral word game that is played by millions of people worldwide. This game has such a simple concept and has inspired many other games to come to fruition, with some of the more successful ones being Nerdle (my favourite), Crosswordle, Dordle, Quordle, Octordle and Lewdle. We cover the hints and answers for all these games, so make sure you check those out if you need some help.
Wordle Hints Today
The Wordle word can be tricky sometimes so we give our readers some hints to nudge them in the right direction before giving the answer so here are the hints we have for Wordle 258 today.
Hint 1: Contains the letter D.
Hint 2: It starts with the letter A.
Hint 3: There are three vowels in the word today (two the same letter).
Hint 4: Being in the lead.
What is the Wordle 258 Answer Today? (March 4th, 2022)
I managed to guess the Wordle 258 answer in three guesses and here is how I got it. The first word I guessed was ‘AUDIO’ which placed the A in the correct place and also showed me there was a D in the word. I thought it was likely the D would be at the end and it was also possible there would be a E in the word, so I decided to guess the word ‘ASHED’. This placed the D in the correct place and also showed me there was a E and a H in the word. I then managed to get the answer to Wordle 258 on my next guess, which is..
Well done if you managed to guess today’s word correctly! We will be back tomorrow with the answer to new word!
Today’s ‘Wordle 2’ Words of the Day Answers #105 and #106: March 12th 2022