Another week another update for Fortnite. We’ve summarized the best features in this update below.
The much anticipated teams of 20 game mode is here! Here’s some additional info:
- The Map screen now shows total number of players alive on each team.
- Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 60-80%.
- Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 75-90%.
- Supply Drops always come in batches of 5 instead of varying amounts per Storm Circle. Supply Drop rate increased from 180 (+/- 30s) to 210 (+/- 30s).
- Teams of 20 has six Storm Circles as opposed to nine. Maximum match length is 23 minutes, down from 25.
- Storm Circle Timings:
- Storm Circle 1: Random location. 60s wait, 180s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 2: Random location. 60s wait, 90s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 3: Location centered on previous storm (for the rest of the match). 120s wait, 90s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 4: 120s wait, 60s shrink.
- Storm Circle 5: 180s wait, 60s shrink.
- Storm Circle 6: 240s wait, 120s shrink.
Previously, players that would eliminate enemies by forced fall damage by using Impulse Grenades or destroying the structure underneath would not get the credit, however this has now been changed!
The Hunting Rifle’s accuracy has also been fixed. It now has perfect accuracy when players aren’t moving and aim. The accuracy reticle UI was slightly mismatched but this has now been fixed. The Hip-fire has not changed.
We’ve covered other known bugs that have been fixed and other bugs status in yesterday’s article.
You can read the full Patch Notes below:
- Limited Time Mode: Teams of 20
- Each team is composed of five squads of four players.
- All teammates will be displayed in green on the map.
- The Map screen now shows total number of players alive on each team.
- Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 60-80%.
- Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 75-90%.
- Supply Drops always come in batches of 5 instead of varying amounts per Storm Circle. Supply Drop rate increased from 180 (+/- 30s) to 210 (+/- 30s).
- Teams of 20 has six Storm Circles as opposed to nine. Maximum match length is 23 minutes, down from 25.
- Storm Circle Timings:
- Storm Circle 1: Random location. 60s wait, 180s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 2: Random location. 60s wait, 90s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 3: Location centered on previous storm (for the rest of the match). 120s wait, 90s shrink time.
- Storm Circle 4: 120s wait, 60s shrink.
- Storm Circle 5: 180s wait, 60s shrink.
- Storm Circle 6: 240s wait, 120s shrink.
- Players will get elimination credit for forced fall damage either through Impulse Grenades or destroying structures underneath their enemies.
- Breaking the base of a structure will count the same as breaking the exact piece a player is standing on before they fall.
- Riding a rocket no longer cancels emotes or using consumables.
- Lobby emotes will now play out instead of just ending at 5 seconds.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players at 60 FPS could not jump as high as those playing at 30 FPS.
- Fixed an issue that prevented weapon tracers from being visible after a certain distance.
- Fixed an auto-sprint issue that would cause players to continue sprinting when they tried to stop.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with the Hunting Rifle’s accuracy.
- Now uses perfect accuracy when aiming and not moving. Hip-fire remains unchanged.
- Fixed an issue with accuracy reticle UI being slightly mismatched.
- Fixed additional weapon loading issues that prevented players from being able to see or use their weapon while the world was loading.
- Fixed an issue where firing a weapon could cancel the equip animation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the kitchen cabinets that were placed outside of some houses. They are now back inside where they belong.
- Increased the HP value of Weeping Willow trees so it is more representative of the amount of resources it gives.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an inventory slot to be unusable.
- Fixed an issue where players would have to press the ‘Leave Match’ button twice when exiting an in-progress match.
- Fixed an issue where squad members could be missing from the top panel when opening the in-game menu.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when closing the game after opening the settings menu.
- The Pump Shotgun’s pump animation will now play when held up instead of at rest.
- Distant buildings and objects now connect to the terrain more smoothly.
- Improved terrain rendering and cloud shadows.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Glider trails were not visible to other players.
- Fixed an issue that prevented destruction effects from playing while on low effects settings.
- Added squeaks to wood, stone, metal, and default hits for the Pick Squeak harvesting tool.
- Improved the default glider and umbrella open sound so that it syncs up with animation.
- Added an audio cue that will play when squad members jump from the Battle Bus.
- Improved the Epic/Legendary Assault Rifle close-range fire sound.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur when unplugging headphones.
- Fixed an issue that would cause tactically important sounds to occasionally be cancelled.
- Fixed hitching when certain player outfits were loaded in the middle of the match.
- Fixed crashes that could occur in rare cases when using the NVIDIA ShadowPlay Highlights feature.