The v6.30 update went live today and as with all updates, there were a number of new items that were added to the files. Even though there are some leaked cosmetics from previous updates that have not been introduced to the Fortnite Item Shop yet, there are new cosmetics that have been found in this update, which includes Skins (Outfits), Back Blings, Pickaxes (Harvesting Tools), Gliders and Emotes. These were leaked when the update was downloadable, but the names and rarities were not known. We now have the names and rarities of each leaked cosmetic, which can be found below:
Riot (Rare)
Defending the pre-post-punk-post-hardcore scene
Castor (Epic)
The wandering warlock of Wailing WoodsMaki Master (Rare)
Roll up your sleeves and get to work
Taro (Epic)
Protector of the wildsElmira (Epic)
She’ll literally charm you
Magic Wings (Epic)
Soaring and spellbound
Flying Carp (Rare)
Dive into the sky
Flappy Flyer (Rare)
Keep it flappy
Hyper (Uncommon)
What’s up must come down