Epic introduced a post game Fortnite Stats menu in the state of development V3 update:
Now players can see how many eliminations they’ve had, how accurate their aim was in the game, etc. This was a great addition to Fortnite as it gave users an insight as to how their performance was and possibly help players to improve by seeing their weaknesses.
Reddit user kaarsness has come up with a concept to provide users with more information about their performance. It will show users where they landed, where they got their in game kills and where they died. It also shows the path that players took during the game. This could help players to see which path is best suited for them when landing in certain areas of the map. The image also shows where the circles were in game, which is unique from other suggestions.
Epic employee Nick Darnell replied to this post:
Nick has confirmed that Epic are looking into improving the post game Fortnite Stats and “think it’s a great idea, and something we’ve talked about adding to that screen”. Epic Games are always listening to the community and always take ideas on board to make the game more enjoyable for the users. From the response by Nick we think that this will be one of the ideas that Epic will use to better the game, but only time will tell when this will be added to Fortnite!
We think that this is could be a good improvement to the existing post match Fortnite Stats, but this may not be a priority as there are a lot of improvements that Epic are making to Fortnite at the moment, which you can read more about here.
What else would you like to add to the post game stats? Let us know what you think about this concept in the comments section below.