Here are the answers and some hints for the Wordle 2 words #115 (morning) and #116 (afternoon) for today, released on March 17th, 2022.
UPDATE: Click here for the hints and answers to the Wordle 2 #117 and #118 words.
In Wordle 2, players need to guess the six-letter word, which can be any word from the American English language. There are no initial clues given to you about the mystery word and you only have six guesses to get the answer right. This may seem impossible to guess if you haven’t played the game, but once you have made your guess, the tiles will change to either green, yellow, or grey.
These colours let you know if you have the right letter and if you have positioned it correctly in the word. From this, you will be able to make better guesses to try and solve the word. We would recommend trying to find the vowels in the word as soon as possible as it usually helps to eliminate more words.
There are two words released daily, one at midnight and the other at midday and we cover both clues and answers in this article, so make sure you scroll slowly if you want to avoid seeing any spoilers for the word being released in the afternoon.
Wordle 2 #115 (Morning) Hints Today – March 17th, 2022
Here are some hints we have for Wordle 2 #115 to help you to complete the word for today.
Hint 1: Contains the letter V.
Hint 2: It starts with the letter C.
Hint 3: There is are two vowels in the word today.
Hint 4: This is used to put on top or in front of something to protect and conceal it.
What is the Wordle 2 #115 (Morning) Answer Today? (March 17th, 2022)
Here is how I managed to solve the answer to Wordle 2 #115 today. My new starter word is now ‘AUDIOS’ as it has four vowels in it. For today’s word, it showed me that there is an O in the word and that S in the last letter. I then decided to guess ‘STOVES’ to see if I could reveal and other letters.
This was a great guess as it showed me there is a V and E in the game, which means I only have two other letters to reveal. I decided to go with the word ‘LOVERS’ to see if it would place any known letters in the correct spots. Luckily, it places all last five letters in the correct position, which only leaves the first letter.
I then guessed ‘MOVERS’ which unfortunately was not the answer, but I did manage to solve the answer for Wordle 2 #115 on my next guess, which is…
Wordle 2 #116 (Afternoon) Hints Today – March 17th, 2022
Here are some hints we have for Wordle 2 #116, released in the afternoon of March 17th, to help you to complete the word for today.
Hint 1: Contains the letter R.
Hint 2: It starts with the letter F.
Hint 3: There are two vowels in the word today.
Hint 4: A piece of cloth.
What is the Wordle 2 #116 (Afternoon) Answer Today? (March 17th, 2022)
Again, I started with the word ‘AUDIOS’ to help me solve the answer to Wordle 2 #116 and this word showed me there is an A and I in the word. I then decided to guess the word ‘STRAIN’ as it places the A and I in different positions, so hopefully will be able to place them correctly and reveal more letters in the word.
It did place the I in the correct position and also revealed that there is an R in the word. I then guessed ‘BRAZIL’ next and this showed me there was a B in the word, but didn’t place any more letters in the word. The A was likely in the second letter for the word and I also thought that it could be possible that there is a double B in the word, so I guessed ‘RABBIT’.
Unfortunately there was no double B in the word but it did place the A and B in the correct positions. Now I know that the R is either the fourth or last position in the word, but the only word that I could think of with the words in this placement was the answer to Wordle 2 #116, which is…
Well done if you managed to guess them both correctly today!
Click here for the hints and answers to the Wordle 2 #117 and #118 words.