Reddit user maxt123456 has data mined the Fortnite Battle Royale asset files and has uncovered the weekly challenges coming this week.
DISCLAIMER: These challenges were data mined from the game files, however these can be changed by Epic. The challenges are correct but the amount/ difficulty may be different. The source is reliable.
- Deal damage with Shotguns to opponents (500)
- Eliminate opponents in Shifty Shafts (3)
- Suppressed weapon eliminations (3)
- Search a Chest, Ammo Box & Supply Drop in a single match (Hard) (1)
- Search Chests in Lonely Lodge (7)
- Search the Hidden Gnome in different named locations (Hard) (7)
- Follow the Treasure map found in Retail Row (Hard) (1)
In a previous article, we mentioned the Gnomes that had been data mined called “Gnice Gnomes” and it looks like these are the Gnomes that are featured in one of the challenges for Season 3, Week 7.