For Season 7, there are two tier 1 skins (outfits) that have unlockable styles and one tier 100 skin that has unlockable styles. Zenith is a skin that is unlocked once you have purchased the Season 7 Battle Pass and the challenges for this skin can be seen below:

To unlock the different items for the skin, you simply have to gain more XP. There are unlockable styles for the skin, and you can see all the styles below:

The second skin that is unlocked once you purchase the Battle Pass is the Lynx Skin. The challenges for this skin can be seen below:
Again, you can unlock different items and styles by gaining XP. The unlockable styles for the Lynx skin can be seen below:
The final unlockable skin obtained from the Season 7 Battle Pass at tier 100 is called the Ice King skin. The challenges for this skin will be available once you have unlocked the skin. These challenges can be seen below:
Unlike the other challenges, these challenges will require players to outlive opponents. For this skin, there are only four unlockable styles as opposed to seven for the tier 1 skins. You can see the unlockable styles below:
This season Epic have given Battle Pass holders three unlockable skins as opposed to two in the previous season. What are your thoughts on these skins and season 7 so far?
Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnite Season 7:
Fortnite Season 7, Week 1 Challenges
Fortnite Snowfall Challenges & Leaked Loading Screens
Leaked Season 7 (v7.00) Skins & Cosmetics
Season 7 Patch Notes
All Season 7 Battle Pass Rewards